Assalamualaikum, Alhamdulillah hari nie 1 Jan 2012, I repeat 2012 !! betul, x tipu.. like seriously we are moving another step ahead with the blessing from Allah s.w.t.. syukur sgt2..
well, things happened almost everyday that could make me cried, smiled and confused sometimes.. making decisions took part in our single lives... live as a student, a daughter, a muslimah forced me to have a powerful strength and strong determination to continue this life, but as a human being we might fell down becaue of our deeds, our actions that give several consequences..
for those who had once came and went into my life, THANKS a lot.. You had made me became a wiser person through the experiences..
To my parents that had supported me and always do so, without you I might not have undergone this journey wisely.. I LOVE YOU ALWAYS MUM AND DAD, you're MY LIFE.. :)
2011 had passed and now we will face the new year, 2012 ~ nice number actually ! I just can really hope that this year would bring me more joys and less mis-actions.. yeah, we can pray but the One who send all the results is of course only Allah.. I'm glad that I'm still be given a healthy body and a functional brain to make me think how great Allah and its powerness :)